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Case Studies

Creative Direction
User Experience Strategy (UX)
User Interface (UI)

UX Strategy & Design

Creative Direction, Project Management, UX/UI Strategy & Design, UX Research & Testing, Brand & Style System Creation, Prototyping, Copy Writing/Editing

Krystie Acacia, 2023-2024 | Avosette Marketing

The Challenge

Create brand, logo, copy, and website to achieve goals:

  • Place Owner as Accomplished Author
  • Introduce and Sell Novels and Graphic Novels to Potential Readers, Agents, and Publishers

Still in production, full Case Study coming soon.

UX/UI Strategy & Design

Creative Direction, Project Management, UX/UI Strategy & Design, UX Research & Testing, Brand & Style System Creation, Prototyping, Copy Writing/Editing

To Trade, 2022 | Avosette Marketing

The Challenge

Create brand, logo, and website to achieve goals:

  • Place owner as seasoned professional
  • Provide education through numerous channels
  • Ability to capture leads for sales
  • Increase engagement of audience to drive purchases
  • Phase 2: Community & User Admin


  • Oversaw creative direction and UX/UI strategy
  • Managed project, working with website developer
  • See full case study.

Tools: Figma, Adobe Suite (InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop), and Trello. 

The Solution

eCommerce Website Redesign & WordPress Migration

Advocate, Project Management, Website Architecture, eCommerce UI/UX Strategy & Design, UX Research & Testing, SEO, Admin Staff Training

Delaware Nature Society, 2016-2018

The Challenge

Delaware Nature Society’s (DelNature’s) website existed on a limited out-of-box CMS that allowed few editing and interactive capabilities. Hosting was in-house: a security and redundancy risk.

Our challenge was to:

  • Improve User Experience for visitors and staff admin users
  • Make wide array of services easier to find, prioritized
  • Increase profitability and flexibility
  • Ensure website security and redundancy


  1. Established the benefits of migrating website to the more customizable, open source WordPress CMS
  2. Lead the planning and strategic implementation of the move
  3. Established the benefits of a trusted host for redundancy, security, and other industry standards

The Solution

Blog Migration to Main Website

Advocate, Project Management, Visual Design, UX Strategy & Design, SEO, Admin Staff Training

Delaware Nature Society, 2017, 2022

The Challenge

DelNature’s blog lived on a separate WordPress build and host from the main website. This meant that its traffic did not contribute to the main website. The movement between websites was jarring. Hosting was paid for twice. Both websites needed to but updated when the navigation or look/feel was edited which was time-consuming.


  1. After Main Website Migration to WordPress, redesigned DelNature’s separate WordPress blog to match look/feel and navigation
  2. Established the benefits of migrating blog to main website
  3. Oversaw the migration of the blog, working with the talented Yikes team

The Solution

Saved Money
on Hosting
Seemless Connection of
Blog & Main Website
Increased Time
Efficiency to Update

UX Strategy Case Studies: Rebrand of Acronym

Rebrand of Acronym for SEO & Usability

Advocate, Project Management, UX Strategy & Research, SEO

Delaware Nature Society, ~2018

Advocated for 50-year-old organization to rebrand acronym DelNature instead of DNS.

The Challenge is a long domain name. Longer domains are prone to typos and take more effort. They’re also harder to market in print.


  1. Established the benefits of a shorter domain name
  2. Made case to leadership and then to core staff through presentations and discussions
  3. Secured domain and assured old and new domains and emails available for use

The Solution

Easier to
Type Length
Easier to
Market Length
Contains Keyword
for SEO
Clear Use Cases

SEO, Google Grants & Webmaster Tools

Advocate, SEO, Google Grants, Webmaster Tools

Delaware Nature Society, 2014 to Present

Set up, improvment, and maintenance of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) of website. Setup and maintenance of Google Grants and Webmaster Tools.

The Challenge

When began at DelNature over a decade ago, their main website didn’t show up on Google results.


  1. Created Google Business listings, bringing their sites onto Google Maps and enhancing search engine placement and details.
  2. Worked creatively to implemented search optimization practices within a limited out-of-box CMS.
  3. Set up and maintained Google Analytics, creating reports as needed.
  4. Advocated for and oversaw Website CMS Migration to a the more versatile WordPress CMS for greater SEO capabilities.
  5. Leveraged Yoast and UX research to further optimize usability and SEO after migration to WordPress.
  6. Set up and maintained Google Grants for DelNature including:
    • Google Ads (updated monthly with latest ad needs)
    • Google Maps

The Solution

High Placement
for Keywords
Showcased in
Search, Maps, Ads
Grants Give
Free Advertising
Analytic Reports
Help Uphold Grants
Increased Usability
for Wider Audience
Hours & Location
Easy to Find

Storytelling to Activate Campaigns

Advocate, Interviewer, Researcher, Writer, Copy Editor

Delaware Nature Society, 2023

Advocated to shared these important stories.

Young Birders Give Back with World Series of Birding Fundraiser

Interviewed students out in the field. Researched and reached out to professionals to confirm facts stated in article. Copyediting.

View the full article:

Welcoming Pride in Natural Spaces

Researched and reported on:

  • Connection between time in nature and mental health
  • State of mental health in LGBTQ populations
  • Importance of clearly welcoming historically-oppressed populations

View the full article:

UX Case Studies: Inclusive and Equitable Digital Strategy, Research

Equity Implementations

Advocate, DEIJ Committee Member, Photography, UX

Delaware Nature Society, 2014 to Present

Inclusive and Equitable Marketing Practices

2014 to Present

Led an ongoing effort to enhance online and print at DelNature to better service of racial, sexual, and religious minorities and disabled persons.

Assured diverse populations are welcomed through:

  • Readability editing leveraging Youst and research
  • ADA compliance enhancements
  • Photography – online purchase or, most frequently, taking photos myself to assure people see themselves in marketing efforts
  • Google Ads location settings
  • Limited UX interviews of diverse populations

DEIJ Committee Founding Member

2020 to Present

Became one of the founding members of DelNature’s DEIJ committee with a focus on increasing equity and inclusivity of DelNature. Led creation of new Mission page that better welcomes diverse and underserved communities. 

Trello Integration

Advocate, Tech Research, Project Management, Staff Training

Delaware Nature Society, 2022

Advocated for and lead this effort to organize, categorize, and assist management of the DelNature Marketing Department’s design and website-related projects.

Also set up Trello for their DEIJ Committee to organize DEIJ projects and initiatives in an easy-to-use, easy-to-find, always up-to-date application.

The Solution

Projects Easier
to Find & Track
Info Collection
Stages & Processes
Deadlines & Priority
Items Highlighted
Clear Passoff
Between Members
Ability to Improve
with Addons

Photography Contest for 50th Anniversary Celebration

Advocate, Project Management, Social Media, Visual Design, SEO

Delaware Nature Society, ~2014

The Challenge

We were in need of more photography of people in nature at our sites. We also had an upcoming 50th Anniversary and were looking for ways to celebrate.


Advocated for and lead this effort with the aim of gathering more nature photos for our collection, engaging the community, and helping keep nature and Delaware Nature Society in the forefront of DelNature’s audience’s minds.

Fulfilling a Need for Photography

Planned for organized gathering of photos through Photo Contest. Made needed categories of “At DelNature Locations”, wildlife, people in nature, and seasons. Made clear to contest participants that images submitted would be used to promote DelNature’s mission with attribution.

Management of Contest

Found and used a contest app that DelNature could use to manage the gathering of contest entries. Oversaw implementation of contest.

Winners’ Photography Show

Advocated for and helped in planning a culminating photo contest winners’ Photography Show on-location at DelNature’s Ashland Nature Center with winners and their friends attending. 

The Solution

Special Photo Show
for 50th Anniversary
More Local Images
for Marketing
Calendar Helps
Market Year-round


Birds in native plant garden fountain

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